P.3 Enrichment Programme


The course is designed to emphasize the 4 essential skills in learning English. It aims at consolidating and enhancing students' writing, reading, speaking and listening skills by teaching them proper use of the English techniques. Tasks included short writing, reading comprehension, individual presentation and listening practice. 三年級的英語增潤課程著於加強同學在讀、寫、聽、說四方面的英語能力。導師會替同學預備教材,提升他們的寫作能力。此外,在說話及聆聽方面,也會教授基本聽說技巧,讓同學更有效掌握不同的答題技巧。通過短文寫作練習、閱讀技巧訓練及個人短講,同學運用英語的能力及自信將大大提升。